What is BBL? Learn Everything You Need to Know Here

You flip a switch and get instant light without much thought or effort. But light is so much more than what you detect with your eyes. It’s actually electromagnetic energy that comes in various invisible forms like X-rays, gamma rays, microwaves, and radio waves. Throughout history, scientists have discovered powerful uses for this energy, including one that can help you look years younger — BroadBand Light™ (BBL).

At Gago Wellness, our expert aestheticians have perfected the art of this amazing skin therapy using Forever Young BBL and Forever Bare treatments at our Brighton, Michigan office. If you’re suffering from patchy skin, wrinkles, age or sun spots, unwanted hair, redness, excessive freckles, minor scars, acne, or large pores, we can reduce the appearance of these blemishes and return your skin to a more youthful state. Here’s how.

The science behind BBL

BBL therapy relies on the energy from intense pulsed light (IPL) to target imperfections inside your skin without breaking the surface or causing any collateral damage. 

Because it uses broad-spectrum light, it’s absorbed by dark skin patches (think freckles, age spots, sun spots, and melasma) and the hemoglobin in your blood vessels that causes redness and rosacea. 

Once absorbed, the light energy destroys the pigmented skin cells and closes off the blood vessels. Over the next few days and weeks, those dead cells slough off, and the defunct vessels get flushed out of your body, leaving you with clearer, more even-toned skin.

In a similar way, BBL can also get rid of unwanted hair. Again, the light energy seeks out the darker pigment of individual hairs deep within their follicles. It heats and destroys the follicle so the hair never regrows, and you never have to shave or wax again. But because BBL targets the dark pigment of the hair root, it works best on those with good contrast between their hair and skin tones.

Acne, pores, and scars also benefit from BBL, because it stimulates your body’s production of elastin and collagen. These two essential proteins are responsible for the structure and elasticity of your skin, but as you age, you don’t make as much of either. BBL amps up your supply, so your skin naturally plumps up and becomes more pliable and resilient. Pores shrink and get unclogged, skin tightens, and scarred skin smoothes out. 

Benefits of BBL

In addition to clearing up your skin issues, BBL comes with some other compelling benefits as well. Here a few of them:

If you’re interested in finding out what the power of light can do for your complexion, call us at 810-513-6863 or request a new consultation online today.  


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