Gift Yourself with a Youthful Complexion this New Year

New Year’s Day is notorious for resolutions. It’s a great time to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, whether you vow to lose weight, repair relationships, or live more mindfully. 

While you’re listing ways to improve yourself, don’t forget about your skin. Over the years, sun exposure, scrubbing, wind, cosmetics, neglect, and even time do a number on your skin and make it look older than it is.

The good news is that we can turn back the clock and restore a more youthful complexion, so you can face the new year with a new face. Our master aestheticians at Gago Wellness in Brighton, Michigan, rely on the most advanced technologies and evidence-based treatments to repair damage and revitalize your skin’s tissues no matter what kind of damage it’s sustained. 

Here are some highlights of our most popular treatments.


As your skin ages, it loses essential elements that keep it looking young, such as collagen, elastin, and subcutaneous fat. Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency technology to send controlled thermal energy down into the deeper layers of your skin. 

Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency technology, but this treatment involves a microneedling component. Microneedling creates countless tiny puncture wounds in your skin that trigger a healing response in your body. Simultaneously, the Morpheus8 device delivers fractional energy that gently heats the deep tissues and enables your skin to remodel itself. 

Your skin reacts by amping up its collagen and elastin production, stimulating new cell growth, and tightening and restoring the structure under your skin.

Morpheus8 is safe for all skin types, delivers initial results in a couple of days, and keeps improving over three months.

You may experience slight redness immediately following your treatment, but it quickly subsides. Most people notice that changes appear in about two weeks. The improvements continue for several months, smoothing out wrinkles and lines by naturally increasing the underlying volume.

BroadBand™ Light

BroadBand Light (BBL) therapy addresses some of the same issues as Fractora but uses a different technology. The ForeverYoung BBL photofacial is a light-based treatment that sends rapid pulses of light into your skin tissue to stimulate collagen and elastin and tighten loose skin, but it doesn’t stop there. 

BBL targets clumps of pigmented cells that form visible spots on your skin. The light energy zeros in on the melanin and breaks it up so your body can flush it away. BBL can also eliminate tiny broken capillaries forming red and blue web-like networks on your skin, and treat other red discolorations, such as rosacea.

If you have acne, BBL can be a powerful treatment that clears your pores and shuts down their excess oil production.

Chemical peels

Another way to get younger-looking skin is to lift off the outer layer and reveal the fresher skin below. Chemical peels use various acids to trigger a reaction in your skin. As the acid goes to work, your skin sheds its outer layers and all the flaws within them, such as wrinkles, acne and acne scars, age spots, and freckles. 

If your blemishes reside in your skin’s upper layer, we apply a mild acid, but if those flaws lie deeper within, you’ll need a stronger acid. We have many years of experience administering superficial, moderate, and deep chemical peels, so rest assured, you’re in good hands. 

You may feel some mild discomfort during and after your chemical peel, and pain may accompany deep chemical peels. Cold compresses and over-the-counter pain medication can ease your symptoms. Results vary, but you should notice the old skin flaking away and the new skin coming to the surface within a week for mild peels and longer for deep peels.

Chemical peels are excellent treatments to maintain the results of your Fractora and BBL sessions. We also offer Avène products with the highest-quality ingredients to care for your skin. 

Whether you have wrinkles, age spots, loose skin, or a dull, crepey texture, our experts at Gago Wellness can help you start the new year with a younger-looking complexion. Schedule an appointment by calling our friendly staff or requesting a consultation online.

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